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Recycling by Leo & Ugo

Leo & Ugo recycling means 20% off your next purchase on products you no longer use.

Recycling clothing represents a crucial step towards more sustainable and responsible fashion. By reducing pressure on natural resources, limiting pollution and creating economic opportunities, this practice helps build a more balanced future for the fashion industry.

We all have a vital role to play in making conscious choices and supporting initiatives focused on recycling and sustainability. By adopting these practices, we can collectively work towards a more environmentally friendly fashion world.

That T-shirt or dress that you no longer use may still have one or more lives. Whether by recovering fibers to make new clothing or finding an alternative use for them in other sectors, we are always looking for the most responsible solution.

Recycling clothing is an important way to reduce textile waste. Rather than throwing away used clothes, it is possible to recycle them in different ways. 

Leo & Ugo collects clothes to resell them second hand. By recycling clothing, we extend their lifespan and contribute to reducing the consumption of natural resources. 

It is therefore essential to promote clothing recycling to preserve the environment.

This is why we are launching our recycling activity.

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